Wednesday, September 15, 2021

If You Want to Knit Some Mittens by Laura Purdie Salas and Angela Matteson - ADVISABLE

If You Want to Knit Some Mittens
by Laura Purdie Salas, illustrated by Angela Matteson
PICTURE BOOK Boyds Mills Press, October, 2021. $18 9781629795645 



If You Want to Knit Some Mittens . . . there is so much to do to make mittens completely from scratch, starting with acquiring a sheep and letting its wool grow all winter long. Then shear the sheep, wash and card the wool, spin it and dye it - but first you will need to grow the marigolds for the color to use in the dye and learn to knit. Yes, so many steps and it will take a lot of time, but in the end you will have beautiful mittens! 

Such a clever book! I loved the illustrations and that the sheep was part of the process (more than just as the wool grower). I will certainly be showing this to my spinner friends, they will love it. Would work great in a classroom as well, because there's more to farming that vegetables.

Lisa Librarian

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