Sunday, June 16, 2024

Next Stop by Debbie Fong - ADVISABLE

Next Stop by Debbie Fong
, 268 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL Random House, 2024. $22 

Language: G (0 swears) Mature Content: PG (death, mental breakdown) Violence: G 



Pia is on a desert bus tour with a bus full of interesting characters but no family. Pia is drawn to the tour because of a chance to see a mystical underground lake that is supposed to grant impossible wishes. Pia has a deep secret she's been hiding from her new friends on the bus and is searching for healing. 

 The bus ride is an adventure in quirkiness. Think of all the weird things one could possibly see on a road trip, and they're probably included. Pia's secret is revealed in flashbacks and by the end your heart will break for her. The text type is small but readable. The issues of grieving and loss are identifiable and touching. Pia is most likely Taiwanese. 

Michelle in the Middle 

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