Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Flipping Forward, Twisting Backward by Alma Fullerton and Sarah Mensinga - ADVISABLE

Flipping Forward, Twisting Backward
by Alma Fullerton, illustrated by Sarah Mensinga. 
144 pages. Middle Grade Peachtree, 2022. $17. 

Content: G. 



5th grader Claire is an amazing gymnast with hopes of someday joining the Olympic team. She's a hard worker. She does a pretty good job at hiding the fact that she can't read. Even her mother, who opted her out of standardized testing,  doesn't know. Her teacher thinks she's lazy and that she doesn't pay attention. She even told Claire in front of everyone that she probably wouldn't graduate. This year, she is getting in trouble a lot in class, and the principal thinks she might have a learning disability. Convincing mom to get her tested might be the hardest thing Claire's ever done. 

Written in verse, this super quick read gets to the point right away. I like how the title reflects how Claire sees her letters (I'll bet she has Dyslexia). I was frustrated with the teacher being so mean (uncalled for) and her mother opting her out of standardized testing. A recommended read as an empathy builder as well as a window for the child who thinks they are the only one struggling with reading The characters default white, some of the illustrations show she has friends of color. 

Lisa Librarian 

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