Friday, June 7, 2024

Bizard and the Big Bunny Bizness by Chrissie Krebs - ADVISABLE

Bizard and the Big Bunny Bizness
by Chrissie Krebs
, 170 pages. Middle-Grade Holiday House, 2024. $21 

Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



Bizard, the wizard bear, is getting ready to hibernate. In order to keep the wish granting going, Squirrel, Fox, and Owl, have decided to help out while he is sleeping. Bizard wishes for a magic wand for Squirrel to use provided he includes the others on his decisions. Squirrel gets carried away and disaster ensues. The only way to fix things is to dislodge a magic wand from a giant bunny's diaper. (I did not make that up). 

The art and text are imaginative and fun and make you want to figure out how the story ends, even if it does involve a giant diaper. The pictures support the story and are bright, colorful, and easy to follow. The sense of humor is also great. I will read all Bizard books. All sorts of animals are represented. 

 Michelle in the Middle 

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