Monday, June 17, 2024

Buffalo Fluffalo by Bess Kalb and Erin Kraan - ADVISABLE

Buffalo Fluffalo
by Bess Kalb, illustrated by Erin Kraan
. PICTURE BOOK. Random House Studio, 2024. $19. 9780593564330



The big, scary buffalo has no time for friends. He tries to be big and intimidating and is angry all of the time. When he encounters other animals, he pushes them away.

Buffalo Fluffalo is a great story about letting your guard down and learning that you don't need to pretend to be something other than what you are. Everyone can learn from it, kids and adult alike. I thought this book was a smart and funny representation of being yourself. The illustrations and the rhyming are fun and keep readers engaged. This book is a good pick that everyone can learn from.

Bryant Baird, Librarian

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