Sunday, June 9, 2024

Millie Fleur's Poison Garden by Christy Mandin - ESSENTIAL

Millie Fleur's Poison Garden by Christy Mandin. PICTURE BOOK. Orchard Books, 2024. $19. 9781339023274



Millie loves odd plants. When she moves into a new house, she plants weird plants and flowers in her garden, which anger the neighbors around her. Millie soon finds a way to help people understand her garden and why she loves it. This book is a great metaphor for people pushing away things that they don't understand or things that are different to them. With some compassion, we can all understand each other. 

Mandin writes a book  for kids who feel weird or out of place, as well as those who may be on the other side and just like gardens.. Millie keeps her garden and stays weird while other people grow to understand why she is the way she is. This book is great for kids of all ages, especially those that feel different.

Bryant Baird, Librarian

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