A young Asian boy is tucked into bed, ready for sleep. He begins to talk to Dark, asking him if he can hear him. The boy tells Dark that Dark keeps him awake and makes him worry as Dark blows gusts of wind at the windows and creaks around the house, making the young boy feel helpless and alone. The boy asks Dark if he is always so scary. Dark shields the bright light of the sun so the world can sleep and play in safety. The moon and stars shine brightly because of Dark. Maybe Dark isn’t so bad after all, maybe just lonely? The young boy asks Dark to be friends so they may play, imagine, count sheep, practice breathing, and listen to music.
Illustrations in Dark are exquisite, every page is dark like the night. The animals are adorable, the Dark is a wonderful illusion, and the young boy is so inquisitive and sweet. The text moves smoothly complimenting the illustrations beautifully. Dark is modern in the ways the young boy copes with his fear of the nighttime and solves the problem, so today’s readers will feel like they may do the same to help with their own night fears. The brief Author’s Note at the end describes useful techniques for helping with sleep anxiety and reframes the dark in a positive way. A wonderful book to give as a gift, perfect for a doctor’s office, preschool, school counseling office, and elementary library.
Deanna M. - Elementary Media Tech.
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