Chester Van Chime Who Forgot How to Rhyme by Avery Monsen, illustrated by Abby Hanlon. PICTURE BOOK Little, Brown. 2022. $18. 9780759554825
Chester is a young boy who is very good at rhyming, he does it every day. One day, Chester woke up and he could not rhyme at all. It did not feel right that day. His schoolmates and teacher tried to help him get his rhyming back but to no avail. He could not rhyme, he was having an off day.
The wordplay in Monen’s very funny text is hilarious. Young readers will be laughing and giggling as Chester’s classmates try to help Chester get his rhyme back with over-the-top items! Hanlon’s illustrations are silly, colorful, and engaging. The young reader will be studying each drawing, while laughing, to see how Chester will finish the rhymes with the help of his friends. This is a clever way to reinforce rhyming in a fun and silly way. Elementary students will love it. Chester, the main character is Caucasian while other characters are multicultural.
Deanna M. - Elementary Media Tech
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