Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Baba's Gift by Ariana Shaheen Amini, Christina Maheen Amini, and Elaheh Taherian - ESSENTIAL

Baba's Gift by Ariana Shaheen Amini, Christina Maheen Amini, and Elaheh Taherian
PICTURE BOOK Sasquatch Books. 2023. $19. 9781632173232



An Iranian family of 6 girls remembers their father, Baba, as he tells them stories of his childhood in Iran. He left Iran at age 19 to attend medical school in San Francisco, California. Baba tells his daughters about his home in Iran, the wonderful gardens that were connected to his families’ houses, full of nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts, and cousins, and the wonderful times they spent together. He tells them of the love his mother had for him. The daughters pretend they are doing all of the things Baba describes in his childhood. They listen to Baba and dream.

The illustrations in Baba’s Gift are simple but very detailed and lead the reader to imagine Baba’s life in Iran and the life he has with his 6 daughters. The colors are vibrant and bold. Baba’s Gift is tender and loving, depicting love, devotion to family and culture, and dreams. Baba shares his dreams for his daughters as they walk and dream on the Persian carpet Baba’s mother packed into his suitcase in Iran. A wonderful story of family stories, love and being true to one’s self. The Author’s Note at the end is informational and a wonderful tribute to Fairborz Amini, Baba. A lovely addition to elementary libraries, especially for those with families who have immigrated from other countries. The characters are Iranian. 

Deanna M. - Elementary Media Tech

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