Saturday, May 27, 2023

Annie's Cat is Sad by Heather Smith, illustrated by Karen Obuhanych - ADVISABLE

Annie's Cat is Sad
by Heather Smith, illustrated by Karen Obuhanych
. PICTURE BOOK Feiwel and Friends (Macmillan) 2022. $19. 978-1-250-80684-0 G 



When Annie comes home from school she realizes that her cat is sad. She tries several things to cheer up her cat like jokes, warm milk, yoga, a TV show, and a hug. Annie realizes that sometimes you have to face your bad day head-on and have a good cry. 

I like that Annie and her cat found comfort in each other. The illustrations are fun and expressive. The text format and structure are good for early readers. This book will teach children that we all have bad days sometimes. 

A. Snow

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