Thursday, June 15, 2023

Windrush Child by John Agard and Sophie Bass - ADVISABLE

Windrush Child: The Tale of a Caribbean Child Who Faced a New Horizon
 by John Agard, illustrated by Sophie Bass. PICTURE BOOK Candlewick Press. 2023. $19. 9781536228533



A Caribbean family has boarded the Empire Windrush ship, sailing to England for a better life. The family leaves behind familiar culture, family and land. The length of the journey is unknown and what lies ahead is also unknown. The family arrives in England, missing family and culture, settles into their new home and country. The young boy writes to his Grandmother, sharing his journey on the ship and in his new country.

Illustrations in Windrush Child are bold, colorful, and brilliant. They are very realistic, depicting life on a Caribbean island and aboard a large ship until the end of the journey with the white cliffs of Dover, England. Text is simple, easy to follow, and read, and follows the path the boy takes on his historic, true adventure from a familiar home to a new country. Agard’s book is perfect for families who have left their homes and immigrated to a new place with new ways, foods, people, and customs. The characters are multicultural. 

Deanna M. - Elementary Media Tech. 

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