Friday, June 30, 2023
The Little Bad Book 2: Even More Dangerous! by Magnus Myst - OPTIONAL
Mapmakers and the Enchanted Mountain by Cameron Chittock, illustrated by Amanda Castillo
In a Patch of Grass by Fran Hodgkins, illustrated by Dan Tavis - HIGH
Indigo Dreaming by Dinah Johnson, illustrated by Anna Cunha - ESSENTIAL
A. Criswell, English Language Arts
If Animals Kissed Goodnight by Ann Whitford Paul and David Walker - ESSENTIAL
Ella Learns to Dance by Stenetta Anthony - OPTIONAL
Thursday, June 29, 2023
Flashback to the ... Awesome 80s by Patty Michaels, illustrated by Sarah Rebar - OPTIONAL
The Search for the Giant Arctic Jellyfish: What Magic Lies Beneath by Chloe Savage - ADVISABLE
A Name From the Sky by Diane Kruger, illustrated by Christa Unzner - ADVISABLE
How Do You Love The Five Ways We Show We Care by Kellie Brynes and Melina Ontiveros - ADVISABLE
The Rabbi and His Donkey by Susan Tarcov, illustrated by Diana Renjina - ADVISABLE
Cool Green by Lulu Delacre - ADVISABLE
PICTURE BOOK NON-FICTION Candlewick Press. 2023. $18. 9781536220407
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
101 Ways to Help the Earth with Dr. Seuss's Lorax by Miranda Paul and Patrick Spaziante - ADVISABLE
All Kinds Of Special by Tammi Sauer, illustrated by Fernando Martin - ADVISABLE
We Are Going To Be Pals! by Mark Teague - ADVISABLE
Why Did the Monster Cross the Road? by R. L. Stine and Marc Brown - ADVISABLE
Dear Yesteryear by Kimberly Annece Henderson - ADVISABLE
All Aboard the Schooltrain by Glenda Armand and Keisha Morris - ADVISABLE
Saturday, June 24, 2023
The Polter-ghost Problem by Betsy Uhrig - ADVISABLE
Finally, Something Dangerous by Doug Cornett - ADVISABLE
Friday, June 23, 2023
Spy Camp the Graphic Novel by Stuart Gibbs and Anjan Sarkar - ESSENTIAL
Exploring Civil Rights-The Movement: 1960 by Selene Castrovilla - ADVISABLE
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Exploring Civil Rights-The Movement: 1957 by Susan Taylor - ADVISABLE
Wings, Waves & Web: Patterns in Nature by Robin Mitchell Cranfield - ADVISABLE
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Yellow Butterfly by Oleksandr Shatokhin - OPTIONAL
Tumble by Adriana Hernandez Bergstrom - ADVISABLE
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Corner by ZO-O - OPTIONAL
The Curiosities by Zana Fraillon and Phil Lesnie - OPTIONAL
Monday, June 19, 2023
Birds Everywhere by Camills De La Bedoyere and Britta Teckentrup - HIGH
Lia & Luis Puzzled! by Ana Crespo and Giovana Medeiros - ESSENTIAL
Lia and Luis, two Brazilian children have received a mystery puzzle in the mail from Vovo, their Grandmother in Brazil. The children study the pieces to see how the puzzle works. They use math skills, specifically spatial relationships and sorting, to put the puzzle together. Lia and Luis work together to decipher Vovo’s message.
Lia & Luis is a charming and colorful story that helps teach math skills. Part of the text is in Portuguese and English and the concept of the children working together to figure out the secret message is a double asset in Puzzled. Medeiros’s illustrations are simple and realistic, readers can imagine themselves working a puzzle just like the characters. Lia & Luis would be a great gift for young readers, perfect for daycare and Kindergarten through second grade. The main characters are Brazilian.
Deanna M. - Elementary Media Tech.
Sunday, June 18, 2023
No World Too Big: Young People Fighting Global Climate Change by Lindsay H. Metcalf, Keila V. Dawson and Jeanette Bradley - ESSENTIAL
No World Too Big is a fantastic book filled with information and ideas on how to start DOING something to help with the preservation of our planet. The text is in both poem and regular written word. The illustrations are wonderful, to the point, and engaging and showcase the individual young person who is credited with the movement they have initiated. The end of the book contains multiple pages for further reading and study. The style of the text is intriguing and appealing, giving readers ideas on how to start their own activities to get the message heard. No World Too Big is a must-have book for any elementary library. The characters are multicultural.
Don't Be a Bully, Little Tiger! by Carol Roth, illustrated by Rashin Kheiriyeh - ESSENTIAL
Don’t Be a Bully, Little Tiger is a great lesson on how to get along with others. The illustrations are simple, colorful, and engaging. Younger readers will enjoy hearing about Little Tiger as well as want to read it on their own. The lesson portrayed is invaluable for pre-K and K-2nd. Little Tiger is a great way to teach inclusion, fairness, consideration of others, and how to be a good friend. A perfect book for daycares, preschool, and K-2nd.
Saturday, June 17, 2023
10 Cats by Emily Gravett - ADVISABLE
Dagfrid, Viking Girl: No More Ear Buns! by Agnes Mathieu-Daude, and Olivier Tallec - ESSENTIAL
Illustrations in Dagfrid, the Viking Girl are simple, but entertaining and funny. They truly depict Viking life on a small, restrictive island. Mathieu-Daude’s story is engaging and hilarious, having Dagfrid annoyed with mostly everything in her life. The ending is surprising, silly, and will make the reader reach for the next book in the series. The characters are Caucasian.
Friday, June 16, 2023
Mimi and the Cutie Catastrophe by Shauna J. Grant - ADVISABLE
Mimi and her best friend, her plushie Penelope are awake and ready for the day. Penelope has magic to help Mimi when she wants something. Mimi is dressed in her cute outfit but is unhappy being called "cute" all day. She wishes to be strong, smart, and cool, not her regular "cute" self. Penelope helps her change outfits to be different. Things don't go the way Mimi thought they would and she learns a valuable lesson.
Mimi and the Cutie Catastrophe is a delightful graphic novel teaching children to be happy with themselves. Grant's illustrations are modern and will encourage younger readers to reach for Mimi first. The illustrations and text thoroughly depict the message of being yourself and being true to your best friends. The characters are multicultural.
Deanna M. - Elementary Media Tech.
Prince Sacha's Fierce, Fabulous, Fancy Day by Jon Lau - OPTIONAL
Thursday, June 15, 2023
When You Can Swim by Jack Wong - ESSENTIAL

Windrush Child by John Agard and Sophie Bass - ADVISABLE
Windrush Child: The Tale of a Caribbean Child Who Faced a New Horizon by John Agard, illustrated by Sophie Bass. PICTURE BOOK Candlewick Press. 2023. $19. 9781536228533
Illustrations in Windrush Child are bold, colorful, and brilliant. They are very realistic, depicting life on a Caribbean island and aboard a large ship until the end of the journey with the white cliffs of Dover, England. Text is simple, easy to follow, and read, and follows the path the boy takes on his historic, true adventure from a familiar home to a new country. Agard’s book is perfect for families who have left their homes and immigrated to a new place with new ways, foods, people, and customs. The characters are multicultural.
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
A City for Everyone by Luna Chi, illustrated by Francesca Risoldi - OPTIONAL
Illustrations in A City For Everyone are very modern and space-like. The colors are vivid and bright. The characters are a bit odd, but if the reader has seen the movie, the characters might make more sense. The text is simple and to the point and does teach a small amount about the different elements. Without seeing the movie, the book does not make sense. The appeal of City For Everyone is to read the book BECAUSE the movie had been previously viewed.
Deanna M. - Elementary Media Tech.
Trees: Haiku from Roots to Leaves by Sally M. Walker and Angela Mckay - ESSENTIAL
Monday, June 12, 2023
How Far You'll Go by Tim McCanna and Grace Lee - ESSENTIAL
How Far You’ll Go is a Disney trove of characters, old and new, filled with affirmations for the young reader. The illustrations will pull in all readers as will the characters. Characters are easily recognizable and enthralling. The text is rhyming, and fonts change in size, emphasizing the affirmations on each page. Young readers will read and read McCanna’s book over and over. A great gift for new parents, perfect for daycares and pediatrician offices as well as elementary school libraries. Disney is quite popular currently with the kindergarten and first grade age. Characters vary in ethnicity.
Luis de Torres Sails to Freedom by Tami Lehman-Wilzig and Oliver Averill - OPTIONAL
Luis de Torres, or Yosef ben HaLevi Halvri, his true name, decides to leave Spain, as he is a Jew. The Queen and King of Spain decreed all Jews must convert to Catholicism or leave Spain. Luis boards a ship for the Far East, hired on due to his language skills. He meets other Jews aboard the ship, waiting to set sail. The original sail date was a holy day for Jews, a bad day to sail. The commander agrees to not sail until a bad storm passes. Luis is aboard the Santa Maria, with Columbus, on his way to freedom.
Illustrations in Luis De Torres Sails to Freedom are detailed and seem true to the time the story took place. Text flows smoothly with the illustrations, a moderately easy read, however, there are some Jewish words that younger readers may struggle with. Overall, the story is short and to the point, with illustrations that showcase the text. The story of Luis de Torres is historical fiction, although Luis de Torres was truly selected by Columbus to serve as his interpreter and there were other Jews on board sailing to freedom. The Author’s Note is worth reading for further information. The characters were Jewish and from Spain.
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Finding Family: The Duckling Raised by Loons by Laura Purdie Salas and Alexandria Neonakis - ESSENTIAL
Finding Family: The Duckling Raised by Loons by Laura Purdie Salas, illustrated by Alexandria Neonakis. PICTURE BOOK, NON-FICTION Lerner Publishing. 2023. $21. 9781728442990
The father and mother loon are caring for two eggs, waiting for their baby chicks to hatch in late spring. One day, upon return to the nest, shells are scattered and the chicks are not there. The parents look for their young, finding a baby chick bobbing on the water, and begin to care for it, a family is formed. The chick grows and matures, learning loon ways as well as the ways inbred in the chick. As winter approaches, the family is gone, no one knows if they left together and will return back together.
Finding Family is a true non-fiction story about a loon family in Wisconsin. The illustrations are so realistic and well done, children will study them over and over. The text is informational and flows well, almost like a poem, and coordinates well with the illustrations. Finding Family is a book students will read over and over and recommend to friends. It can be used to help teach students about migration, fowl parenting patterns, and life cycles for both species. The information at the end of the book is interesting and suggests further reading. A must-have book.
Deanna M. - Elementary Media Tech.
She Persisted: Temple Grandin by Lyn Miller-Lachmann and Gillian Flint - ADVISABLE
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Gilly's Monster Trap by Cyndi Marko - ADVISABLE
Gilly’s most favorite things are her best friend, her fish Finnegan and her own pair of flippers. They went swimming in Lighthouse Bay daily. One day, items started disappearing from the marketplace and Gilly went to see what was happening. The townspeople said there was a monster in the bay and it took one of Gilly’s flippers! The beach was closed for safety. Gilly convinced the townsfolk to catch the monster so they could figure out what it was and have their things back. What a surprise the monster turned out to be, thanks to Gilly.
Gilly’s Monster Trap is a cute picture book, illustrations are simple, colorful, and engaging. The main character is full of spunk and charms the reader. The text is simple to read, and the font is colorful and varies in size, amusing for any reader. Marko’s book is a great beginning read for early elementary students with an entertaining ending. Most characters are white, there are two characters of color.
Climate Warriors by Laura Gehl - ESSENTIAL
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Welcome! Kiss the Book Jr. is for board books, picture books, early readers, and chapter books. Also, any novels and non-fiction that we ag...