Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Little Green Swing by Brenda Maier and Sonia Sanchez - OPTIONAL

The Little Green Swing by Brenda Maier, pictures by Sonia Sanchez. PICTURE BOOK. Scholastic, 2024. $19. 9781338816198



Ruby wants to come up with something fun to do on a windy day, but her brothers have run off to do their own thing.  As each of their projects is destroyed by the wind, Ruby finally hits upon her idea - creating something they can all share and that the wind can actually help along.

Maier makes a big deal out of mentioning that her story was inspired by The Little Pigs - something  no one would have noticed if she hadn’t mentioned it. Ruby seems smug to me - waiting for her brothers to fail before she can swoop in and make something that will last.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

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