Can You Find Pup? by Vincent X. Kirsch. EARLY READER. Holiday House, 2018. $16. 9780823439409
Tate is always drawing while his dog, Pup, is playing. Tate draws all of the actives they do, including the park and the garden and the circus, but he never includes pup in any of his drawing. When pup runs away at the circus, Tate must draw a lot of posters with pictures of pup to post around town and when he does find pup, he decides to always include him in his drawings. This is an “I Like to Read” level D book.
This book uses a lot of variety in the language, which I think will push readers, but there is still a lot of anchoring with repeated words. The illustrations include rainbows of color and include pictures that Tate drew that ask the reader to find ten of something - giving a lot of visual interest and engagement to the book.
Jen Wecker, HS English Teacher
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