Monday, March 17, 2025

Seven Samosas: Counting at the Market by Kabir Sehgal, Surishtha Sehgal and Jing Jing Tsong - ADVISABLE

Seven Samosas: Counting at the Market by Kabir Sehgal and Surishtha Sehgal, illustrated by Jing Jing Tsong. PICTURE BOOK. Beach Lane (Simon), 2024. $19. 9781665934008



Sona is off the the market in India with her Dada to buy dinner for tonight’s celebration. Counting down from 20, they find all of the treats and eats that are desired to make the day special.

While each item will be unfamiliar to most American readers, the Sehgal’s include definitions and pronunciations on each page to help every reader. The illustrations are a wonderful riot of colors - vivid enough to almost smell on the page!

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

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