Monday, October 15, 2018

Roxie and the Hooligans by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor - ADVISABLE

Roxie and the Hooligans (Roxie, #1) by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, illustrated by Alexandra Boiger, 116 pages.  Atheneum Books, 2006.  $16.  

Content: Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: PG.  



Roxie has grown up listening to her Uncle Dangerfoot’s adventure stories and has memorized most of the survival skills in her favorite book, Lord Thistlebottom’s Book of Pitfalls and How to Survive Them.  So, it’s a bit of a wonder that Roxie can’t seem to survive the four bullies at her school, known as the Hooligans.  One day their bullying is so brutal that she finds herself in a dumpster, shortly before the dump truck comes to pick up the garbage.  Somehow Roxie finds herself and the Hooligans being dumped into the ocean and marooned on an island with robbers.  Roxie’s knowledge comes in handy and even if the Hooligans have always been nasty to her, she rises above their meanness and does what she was always destined to do-have an adventure.  

My eight-year-old son and I couldn’t put this book down.  The adventure was well paced and suspenseful.  I loved Roxie and her get-it-done attitude.  My issue with this book is that the bullying was awful.  The Hooligans made fun of Roxie’s ears, threw eggs at her, trapped her and taped her ears down, tried to put underwear on her head and had her sick with worry constantly.  Also, the robbers on the island threaten to slit the throats of anyone that they cross paths with, which seemed really violent for a kid’s book.  That said, my son wanted to read every night and was totally into the story, acknowledging along the way how mean the bullies were.  

C. Peterson

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