How to Survive in the Age of Pirates by Crispin Boyer. 87 pages. NON-FICTION EARLY READER. National Geographic, 2024. $10. 9781426375583
Content: PG (It briefly discusses weapons used, like daggers, swords, etc. )
"How to Survive in the Age of Pirates" takes a deep look into the history of pirates, discussing their culture, how their ships worked, and battles. The illustrations hook readers in, showing drawings and designs of pirates and their tools, food, ships, and more. We learn about pirate culture such as what they wear, how they speak, and how they steal. Along with pirate history, Boyer also includes facts about life in other places during the time, as well as disease, progression of weaponry, etc.
Boyer has created a unique way to learn history as well as different cultures throughout it, especially when learning different walks of life. His illustrations and graphic design draw readers in, allowing them to submerge themselves in the book. For kids that are already interested in pirates or different cultures, this is a great pick for them, giving fun facts and information about new peoples.
Bryant Baird, Librarian
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