Sunday, December 22, 2024

Dear Librarian by Lydia M. Sigwarth and Romina Galotta - ADVISABLE

Dear Librarian by Lydia M. Sigwarth and Romina Galotta. PICTURE BOOK. Farra Straus Giroux (Macmillan), 2021. $19. 9780374313906



WHen Lydia is young, she and her family of nine move from Colorado to Iowa to be closer to family.  While they are saving for their own home, they take turns staying with family - a kindness, but always fraught with inconvenience and a sense of not belonging.  Lydia and siblings find a home in the public library and Lydia especially finds one librarian to be especially caring.

For children experiencing homelessness, Lydia’s story and also be a comfort and an acknowledgement of their situation. Lovely illustrations accompany this darling story,  While kids may not read and re-read on their own, I see purpose in having it available.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

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