Monday, May 10, 2021

Animals: Here We Grow by Shelley Rotner - ESSENTIAL

Animals: Here We Grow
by Shelley Rotner
 NON-FICTION PICTURE BOOK. Holiday House, 2021. $19. 9780823448289 



From babies to adults, the text simply shows the names of the life stage "Egg to tadpole to Frog" featuring 14 different animals with great, full color pictures. 

I read this with my granddaughter, and after the first - a butterfly - she took over pointing at the pictures and saying the names. We learned that a "hatchling" comes out of an egg, and we learned that - a baby rabbit is a kit and a baby horse is a foal. We even discovered a bonus picture in the appendix. The photography is beautiful, lots of different animals represented. This is an instant favorite. 

Lisa Librarian (and AJ age 5)

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