Friday, November 29, 2024

Buffalo Fluffalo by Bess Kalb and Erin Kraan - ESSENTIAL

Buffalo Fluffalo by Bess Kalb, illustrated by Erin Kraan. PICTURE BOOK. Random House, 2024. $19. 9780593564530



There once was a fluffy Buffalo who was gruff and wanted to be left alone. Many of his neighbors tried to be his friend, but he was supposed to be a huffalo buffalo, so he turned them away. One day a large storm came and rained heavily on Fluffalo. When the storm left, he was no longer large and fluffy. He wasn't sure how to feel since he lost his identity. HIs neighbors came to his aide to help him see he was just fine however he looked.

Bess Kalb has created a lovable buffalo as each page rhymes its way into hilarity. The rhyme, using silly words, brings color to the story. The illustration of Fluffalo when he loses his fluff brings on laughter. This is an adorable book for any age.


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