The New Batch-Emily's Cupcake Magic by Coco Simon, illustrated by Manuela Lopez. 91 pages. CHAPTER BOOK. Simon and Schuster, 2024. $18. 9781665949118
Emily parents are divorced and she lives part time at each house. She also has transferred to a new school and feels lonely. Her step-sister, Katie, who is part of the Cupcake Club, sends Emily to school with two cupcakes along with inviting her to share the cupcake with a friend. At lunch Natalie, a girl from her old school, invites her to sit with her diverse friends. Emily shares her cupcakes and the magic begins.
Coco Simon creates a story with many emotional layers addressed. Emily needs friends. Emily is shy. Emily doesn't want to be like her step-sister, Katie. These needs are addressed in a positive way and show children they can do hard things and they can choose to be happy. Coco blends diversity into the story by creating friends from many backgrounds. And, to top it off, the detailed illustrations keep the young reader involved.
Emily's friends are of diverse color and culture.