Wednesday, November 23, 2022

What are Words, Really? by Alexi Lubomirski, illustrated by Carlos Aponte - ADVISABLE

What are Words, Really? by Alexi Lubomirski, illustrated by Carlos Aponte. PICTURE BOOK Candlewick. 2022. $18. 9781536219807 



Words are powerful things. They can be funny, but they can also hurt, and make you feel unhappy. Some words, like love, make you feel better, other can make you cry. Consider the words you say and the affect they produce. 

Lubomirski's text is poetic, and Aponte's primary color pictures are whimsical and incorporated into the text. AJ thought the pictures were funny, and liked the message. She tried the activities (like saying "I can" 10 times), she even left me a note that said "I am Kind." A great practice in mindfulness and being nice. 

 Lisa Librarian and AJ (age 7)  

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