Saturday, December 11, 2021

Trouble in the Stars by Sarah Prineas - ADVISABLE

Trouble in the Stars by Sarah Prineas
, 256 pages. Philomel (Penguin), 2021. $17 

Content: G (mild danger) 



The blob of goo floated across space until it reached a space station. Then trouble comes to the station – the military is seeking a dangerous escaped prisoner. So the blob shapeshifts and stows away on an out-going ship. The dog version is thrown out an airlock, but the human boy shape is begrudgingly accepted. As it tries to find a place for itself on the ship, Trouble, as it calls its new self also wonders if he might be the escaped dangerous weapon. How can that be true? Well, Peacemaker is in hot pursuit and Trouble may indeed live up to his name. 

The cover of Prineas’ book gives a good peek at the cast of characters aboard the ship – a galaxy-wide variety of colors and shapes. Trouble is endearing – I wish my students embraced science fiction as much as I want them to! 

 Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS 

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